Showing posts with label Skincare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skincare. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Bad Skin = :(

For those who you who follow me on twitter will know that i've been experiencing bad breakouts on my face.

The reason? Who knows...

I've narrowed it down to some possibilities.

1) I've stopped using MAC's Prep & Prime because i've read it can make you look very white in photo's which I don't want for my blog posts.

2) My new HG foundation brush, the 109.

3) New Bourjois bronzer.

To be honest, I think the 109 is the culprit. This brush is used all over my face, basically everywhere my skin has broken out (even on my brow bone :( )

My solution?

I've reduced the amount of makeup I wear down to the bare minimal ie. foundation, concealer, mascara and blush (these are the products i've used for months with no side effects) until I can see improvement in my skin. This method seems to be working so tomorrow I might introduce eyeshadow into my routine.

These past few days have reminded me of when I rarely used to wear makeup, before I really got interested in it. I prefer myself when I have my full face done, anything less makes me look and feel tired.

This experience will teach me to try one new thing at a time, that way I can measure the effects it has on my skin.

For now i'm back to using Prep & Prime and my 190 and will be back to posting full face looks once these spots are all gone :)

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Skincare Routine

These are the fundamentals of my everyday skincare routine.

To begin with I have dry skin so these items are what I find work for me.

In my earlier teenage years I suffered from oily/spot prone skin but thankfully thats cleared up since i've aged.

To remove my makeup at night I use your bog standard baby wipes. If it's good enough for a babys butt its good enough for my face.

Next step is my cleanser. I use Neutrogena's Visibly Clear 2 in 1 wash and mask. I only ever use this as a face wash because the clay mask will only make my skin feel tighter. (Picture not included because this item is in my bathroom).

To remove any leftover eye make I use L'oreal Dermo-Expertise gentle eye make-up remover. If i'm wearing heavy eye make-up or thick mascara which won't budge i'll use baby oil but this leaves my lids very oily which I hate.

For my toner I use Clean & Clear's deep cleansing lotion for sensitive skin. This helps prevent spots and the build up of oil and dirt.

Finally to moisturise my face i'm currently using MAC's Studio Moisture Cream. This smells amazing and feels really light. I was using an oil free moisturiser which i've been told is wrong because it will only dry out my skin even more.

This sums of the products I use on a daily basis.

Twice a week I will exfoliate using MAC's Microfine Refinisher. This is great at removing flaky skin but leaves my face looking red so I leave this step until bedtime allowing the redness to calm down.

If I ever feel a spot coming on I will coat it in Sudocrem (nappy rash treatment) and leave it over night. By morning its usually gone :)

At this point in my life I should probably invest in an anti-aging cream. In my opinion its never too soon to start so if you have any recommendations they would be most appreciated.
