Sunday 3 January 2010

My New Years Resolutions

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and fabulous New Year. Mine were both low-key and consisted of chilling out with family and friends and consuming lots of food and drink.

What better way to begin my first post of the new year than with my 2010 resolutions.

Lets see how many I can stick with.

1) Be more healthy - I think this one is on everybody's list. Me and my boyfriend have agreed that tonight we had our last takeaway, it's only home-cooked meals from now on. I will also be back to drinking 2 litres of water a day, this took a backseat during the holidays.

2) Spend less and save more - I admit none of my wages goes into a savings account, I seem to spend it all and if I keep on going like that I'll never be able to afford to move out which is on the cards over the next few years. My aim is to only buy the things I need and to go shopping with lists which I will hopefully stick to (a little tip I picked up from Shopaholicjo).

3) Get back behind the wheel - I passed my driving test little over 2 years ago but haven't been in my car within the last 8 months. I'm terrified of driving by myself mainly because I'm not very streetwise and would probably get lost. I've since given my car to my sister as a wedding gift although I'm still on the insurance and should really get back to driving to build my confidence. I'm also encouraging my bf to start lessons so that I can have my own chauffeur :)

4) Find a new job - I know a lot of people don't actually enjoy what they do for a living, its basically a means to pay the bills but I would like to be one of the few that can say they like going to work. These past few months have really made me realize how unhappy I am in what I'm doing and is also one of the reasons behind me enrolling in a makeup course. At least I have something to look forward to after work on a Tuesday. It's my own secret pastime.

5) Make more YouTube video's - It's been a few months now since I made a video, I just haven't felt very inspired and it's not often that I have the house to myself. I also need more ideas on what video's I can make because at the minute I'm not spending so if you have any suggestions please let me know.

What are your New Years resolutions?


  1. Good New Year Solutions!!
    I agree with you on number 1 and 2... And I really have to do more sports! ... Planning to take a gym card for a few months...

    Hope 2010 is gonna be great! :)

  2. Really good resolutions! I'm with you on the finding a job you really love to do thing! xo
